Wizi AI


Streamline company knowledge access with Wizi AI's intuitive chatbot platform.

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Free, Open Source Software


Wizi AI is a cutting-edge AI tool that revolutionizes the way teams access and interact with company knowledge. By integrating with Notion pages and supporting markdown and text files, Wizi AI makes internal knowledge readily available to every employee through a chatbot interface. Its self-hosted nature ensures data privacy and security while its open-source foundation fosters community-driven innovation.


Developed by Wizi AI Company, a San Francisco-based firm, the platform is designed to meet the growing demand for efficient knowledge management solutions in the corporate world. With a focus on user-friendly design and advanced AI integration, Wizi AI has quickly gained traction among businesses looking to optimize their internal operations.

Features of Wizi AI

Chatbot Interface

A natural language chatbot that allows employees to interact with company knowledge as if they were chatting with a colleague.

Integration with Notion

Seamless integration with Notion pages, allowing Wizi AI to pull in and search through a company's existing knowledge base.

Support for Markdown and Text Files

The ability to read and search through markdown (.md) and text (.txt) files, expanding the types of documents Wizi AI can index.


As an open-source tool, Wizi AI benefits from community contributions, ensuring continuous improvement and adaptation to user needs.


Offering self-hosting capabilities, Wizi AI provides businesses with control over their data and infrastructure.

How to use Wizi AI?

To get started with Wizi AI, begin by integrating it with your Notion workspace. Then, configure the markdown and text file directories for indexing. Train the chatbot with common queries to optimize search results. Finally, customize the interface to match your company's branding for a cohesive user experience.

Innovative Features of Wizi AI

Wizi AI's innovation lies in its ability to provide instant access to company knowledge through a chatbot interface, reducing the time employees spend searching for information and increasing overall productivity.

FAQ about Wizi AI

How do I integrate Wizi AI with my Notion pages?
Follow the integration guide provided in the Wizi AI documentation to connect your Notion workspace.
Can Wizi AI read all types of documents?
Wizi AI currently supports markdown and text files, with plans to expand support to other formats.
How can I contribute to the open-source project?
Visit the Wizi AI GitHub page to find contribution guidelines and start contributing to the codebase.
Is there a limit to the number of users on Wizi AI?
Wizi AI is self-hosted, so the number of users is determined by your infrastructure's capacity.
What are the system requirements for self-hosting Wizi AI?
Ensure you have a server with sufficient resources to run the application and support your user base.
How do I train Wizi AI to better understand my queries?
Use the training feature to input common questions and their answers, helping the AI learn and improve over time.

Usage Scenarios of Wizi AI

Academic Research

Researchers can use Wizi AI to quickly access past studies and findings within their institution.

Market Analysis

Analysts can leverage Wizi AI to retrieve market reports and competitor analysis documents instantly.

Internal Knowledge Sharing

Teams can share and access internal documentation, best practices, and policies through Wizi AI.

Customer Support

Support teams can use Wizi AI to find answers to common customer queries, providing faster and more accurate responses.

User Feedback

Users have reported a significant reduction in the time spent searching for internal documents, thanks to Wizi AI's intuitive interface and powerful search capabilities.

Feedback from early adopters highlights the ease of integration with existing Notion setups, allowing for a smooth transition to the new system.

The ability to self-host and customize the tool has been praised for its flexibility, meeting the unique needs of different organizations.

Contributors to the open-source community have shared their satisfaction with the collaborative environment and the opportunity to influence the tool's development.


Wizi AI stands out in the market due to its commitment to open-source development, which fosters a transparent and community-driven approach to innovation. The tool's focus on knowledge accessibility has resonated well with teams seeking to streamline their workflow and enhance information sharing within the organization.