Spoke - Instant AI Meeting Reports


Spoke is an AI-driven tool that streamlines the meeting process with instant reports, smart summaries, and integrated workflows.

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Spoke is a cutting-edge AI tool designed to enhance the efficiency and productivity of meetings. It offers a suite of features that automate the process of creating meeting reports, identifying key discussion points, and generating actionable insights. With support for Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet, Spoke integrates seamlessly into existing workflows, ensuring that users can leverage its capabilities without disrupting their preferred platforms. The tool's AI technology simplifies the planning process by choosing appropriate meeting templates, provides prior conversation highlights to keep participants informed, and facilitates collaborative agendas and notes to maintain focus and alignment among team members. Spoke's intelligent search function allows for quick retrieval of relevant information from meeting conversations, while its video highlight feature automatically identifies and emphasizes the most important moments from video recordings. The tool's multilingual support and commitment to data privacy further enhance its utility and trustworthiness.


Spoke has been developed to address the common challenges associated with meeting productivity, such as time-consuming note-taking and the difficulty of capturing and sharing key insights. By leveraging advanced AI algorithms, Spoke aims to transform the way teams collaborate, making meetings more efficient and ensuring that valuable information is easily accessible and actionable.

Features of Spoke - Instant AI Meeting Reports

AI-Powered Meeting Templates

Automatically selects templates to streamline the planning process and maintain consistency.

Prior Conversation Highlights

Enables participants to review important points from previous meetings, enhancing preparedness and engagement.

Collaborative Agendas and Notes

Facilitates organized discussions with shared agendas and notes, keeping all members aligned.

AI-Generated Meeting Reports

Instantly creates summaries of key points, decisions, and action items post-meeting.

Intelligent Search

Utilizes AI to quickly find contextually relevant information within meeting conversations.

Video Highlights

Automatically extracts and highlights crucial video clips based on the discussion's key points.


Seamlessly integrates with popular platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams, along with over 30 other apps.

Meeting Companion

Acts as a silent participant in meetings, recording and generating reports without manual effort.

Language Support

Available in over 100 languages, catering to a diverse user base.

Data Security

Prioritizes data privacy, meeting GDPR standards with encrypted data storage and secure hosting.

How to use Spoke - Instant AI Meeting Reports?

To use Spoke, simply add it as a participant in your Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams meeting. Spoke will record the session and use its AI to analyze the conversation. Post-meeting, it will provide a summary report accessible for sharing or integration into other apps. For more specific inquiries, use natural language to ask Spoke questions, and it will supply answers with relevant video clips.

FAQ about Spoke - Instant AI Meeting Reports

How do I integrate Spoke with my current meeting platform?
Spoke can be added as a participant in Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams meetings. Follow the integration guide on the Spoke website for detailed steps.
What languages does Spoke support?
Spoke supports over 100 languages, making it a versatile tool for global teams.
Can I customize the AI templates used by Spoke?
Yes, users can define AI templates to extract specific information relevant to their workflows.
How does Spoke ensure data privacy and security?
Spoke meets GDPR standards, uses encryption for data storage and transmission, and employs secure hosting facilities.
Is there a limit to the length or number of meetings Spoke can handle?
Spoke can handle meetings of varying lengths. For specific limitations, refer to the service plan details on the Spoke website.

Usage Scenarios of Spoke - Instant AI Meeting Reports

Sales and Business Development

Use Spoke to generate instant reports on sales meetings, tracking progress and decisions.

Product Management

Leverage Spoke's capabilities to stay updated on product roadmap discussions and technical specifications.

Remote Team Collaboration

Employ Spoke to maintain alignment and focus during remote meetings, ensuring all team members are informed and engaged.

Customer Support and Service

Utilize Spoke to analyze customer feedback and support conversations for continuous improvement.

Education and Training

Integrate Spoke into virtual classrooms and training sessions to capture and review key learning points.

User Feedback

Users have reported that Spoke has transformed their meeting experiences by automating the note-taking process and providing valuable insights through AI-generated reports.

Spoke has been praised for its effectiveness in remote meetings, with users noting that it helps in maintaining engagement and focus among team members.

Feedback highlights that Spoke saves significant time by eliminating the need for manual note-taking and by providing quick access to meeting summaries and highlights.

Users appreciate Spoke's seamless integration with popular meeting platforms and its user-friendly interface that makes it easy to incorporate into their workflows.

Spoke's support for over 100 languages has been well-received, catering to a diverse user base and enhancing its global applicability.


Spoke's commitment to privacy and security, with features like SOC 2 compliance and data encryption, adds to its appeal for users who prioritize data protection. The tool's ability to tag, trim, and create playlists from meeting content offers additional layers of organization and accessibility.