

Streamline team communication with Sheriff's AI bot on Slack, designed to answer questions and identify key team members for efficient workflow.

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Sheriff is a pioneering AI tool that integrates seamlessly with Slack to enhance team communication. It operates as a Slack bot, utilizing advanced AI language understanding to automate responses and direct queries to the appropriate team members. With its rotating roster feature, Sheriff ensures that the right person is available to answer questions at any given time. The tool's capacity to learn from historical conversations sets it apart, as it continually refines its responses to common inquiries, thereby saving time and reducing repetitive tasks. Sheriff's user-friendly interface and operational process are designed with simplicity in mind, ensuring that users of all technical levels can leverage its benefits without a steep learning curve.


Developed as a spinoff from a research project at the European Space Agency, has quickly gained recognition for its innovative approach to team communication. The company's focus on leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) has positioned Sheriff at the forefront of AI-driven communication solutions, offering a premium service that is both accessible and intuitive.

Features of Sheriff

Rotating Rosters

Sheriff automates the management of rotating roles, ensuring that the designated point of contact is always available.

AI Language Understanding

The bot uses AI to comprehend and respond to questions accurately, reducing the need for manual intervention.

Smart Answers

Drawing from historical data, Sheriff provides smart answers to frequently asked questions, enhancing response time and accuracy.

Knowledge Discovery

The tool is adept at identifying the most knowledgeable team members on specific topics, facilitating informed discussions.

Channel Management

Sheriff simplifies the process of finding the right channel for conversations, improving communication flow within teams.

Customizable Schedules

Teams can set up and customize schedules for rotating roles and recurring meetings, aligning with their unique workflows.

Historical Conversation Learning

The AI learns from past interactions, allowing for the automation of repetitive responses and continuous improvement.

How to use Sheriff?

To begin using Sheriff, integrate the bot with your Slack workspace. Tag '@sheriff' in any channel to seek assistance. Set up a rotating roster of users to act as the point of contact for specific periods. Utilize Sheriff's AI capabilities to answer questions or find the right team member or channel for your query.

Innovative Features of Sheriff

Sheriff's innovation lies in its ability to combine AI language understanding with a rotating roster system, creating a dynamic and responsive communication solution that adapts to the needs of modern teams.

FAQ about Sheriff

How do I add Sheriff to my Slack workspace?
Visit Sheriff's official website and follow the integration instructions for Slack.
What happens if I don't know who to ask a question?
Simply tag '@sheriff', and the bot will direct your query to the appropriate team member or channel.
Can I customize the rotation schedule?
Yes, you can easily customize the rotation schedule to fit your team's specific needs.
Is there a limit to the number of questions I can ask Sheriff?
Sheriff offers a scalable pricing model with the first 100 messages per month being free, and you can adjust your plan based on usage.
How does Sheriff ensure the privacy of our team's data?
Sheriff is designed with privacy in mind, ensuring that all team interactions are secure and that user data is protected.

Usage Scenarios of Sheriff

Academic Research

Use Sheriff to streamline communication among research teams, ensuring that questions are answered promptly and knowledge is shared effectively.

Market Analysis

Leverage Sheriff to manage rapid exchanges of information in market analysis teams, keeping team members informed and up-to-date.

Customer Support

Implement Sheriff in customer support channels for timely response to inquiries and efficient management of customer interactions.

Project Management

Utilize Sheriff to keep project teams aligned, with quick access to subject matter experts and streamlined decision-making processes.

User Feedback

Sheriff has been a game-changer for our team's communication, significantly reducing the time spent on finding the right person for specific queries.

The rotating roster feature has ensured that we always have a point of contact, and the AI's smart answers have improved our response time to common issues.

I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly Sheriff learns and adapts to our workflow, making it an indispensable part of our team's toolkit.

The customization options for schedules and the ability to tag Sheriff in any channel have streamlined our communication process.


Sheriff's integration with Slack has been seamless, and the tool's AI capabilities have exceeded our expectations in terms of accuracy and efficiency. The team at is responsive and continually works on improving the product based on user feedback.