Second Nature


Second Nature's AI-driven sales training software empowers sales reps with real-time feedback and role-play practice.

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Second Nature is an innovative AI tool that provides sales professionals with a virtual pitch partner, facilitating real discussions and personalized feedback to enhance performance and confidence. The software's conversational AI technology simulates realistic sales scenarios, allowing users to practice various sales dialogues such as new customer acquisition, upselling, and renewals. With a scoring system aligned with client guidelines, it offers a unique and immersive training experience that significantly improves sales skills and overall performance.


Founded by Ariel and Alon, who discovered their shared passion for AI and innovation, Second Nature has leveraged the power of GPT 3 technology to create a pioneering platform for sales training. With a user-friendly interface and a commitment to innovation, the company has engaged people worldwide and is actively hiring to expand its Tel-Aviv and New York offices.

Features of Second Nature

Conversational AI

Utilizes advanced conversational AI to simulate real-life sales scenarios for practice.

Real-time Feedback

Provides immediate, personalized feedback to help sales reps improve their techniques.

Scoring System

Scores sales performance based on client-defined guidelines, ensuring training aligns with business objectives.

Immersive Role-Play

Offers an engaging role-play experience with lifelike avatars to enhance learning.

Customizable Simulations

Enables the creation of custom sales scenarios tailored to specific training needs.

Industry Template Library

Includes a rich library of industry-specific templates for diverse training scenarios.

AI Avatars

Allows for the creation of AI avatars to simulate different roles and add depth to training sessions.

How to use Second Nature?

To effectively use Second Nature, start by logging into the platform, selecting a training scenario from the template library or creating a custom one. Engage in role-play with the AI-powered virtual pitch partner, receive real-time feedback, and use the scoring system to identify areas for improvement. Practice regularly to refine your sales skills and strategies.

Innovative Features of Second Nature

Second Nature stands out with its pioneering use of GPT 3 technology in sales training, offering a highly interactive and personalized experience that adapts to the unique needs of each sales rep.

FAQ about Second Nature

How do I get started with Second Nature?
Begin by visiting the Second Nature website and signing up for a free trial or contacting sales for a customized plan.
What types of sales scenarios can I practice?
You can practice a wide range of scenarios including new customer acquisition, upselling, and renewals.
How does the real-time feedback system work?
The system provides immediate feedback on your sales performance, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.
Can I customize the training scenarios?
Yes, you can use the industry template library or create entirely new scenarios tailored to your specific training needs.
How does the scoring system benefit my sales team?
The scoring system aligns with your business objectives, helping to measure and improve sales performance against set standards.
What support is available for users?
Second Nature offers customer support via email and has a dedicated contact page for various inquiries including refunds and account issues.

Usage Scenarios of Second Nature

Sales Onboarding

Use Second Nature to accelerate the training of new sales hires with immersive role-play scenarios.

Skill Enhancement

Leverage the platform for ongoing skill development and refresher training for experienced sales reps.

Product Launches

Prepare for product launches with targeted training sessions that focus on key messaging and strategies.

Customer Service Training

Train customer service teams to handle inquiries effectively using the AI-powered role-play feature.

Market Analysis

Analyze sales performance data to identify trends and areas for improvement in market approach.

User Feedback

Second Nature has been a game-changer for our sales team. The real-time feedback and AI role-plays have significantly improved our sales performance.

The immersive training experience provided by Second Nature has helped our new hires get up to speed quickly and confidently.

I've seen a noticeable improvement in my sales skills after using Second Nature. The personalized feedback is incredibly helpful.

The ability to customize scenarios and the use of AI avatars in Second Nature make the training sessions engaging and effective.


Second Nature has over 50,000 happy trainees, showcasing the effectiveness of its AI-driven sales training approach. The platform's innovative use of conversational AI and lifelike avatars sets it apart in the market.