

RhetorAI automates user interviews to provide actionable insights, accelerating product-market fit.

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RhetorAI is a cutting-edge AI tool that revolutionizes the way businesses collect and analyze user feedback. By leveraging advanced AI algorithms, it conducts in-depth, conversational user interviews, asking follow-up questions based on the responses received. This dynamic interaction allows for a more nuanced understanding of user needs and preferences, which is crucial for making informed product decisions. The platform's user-friendly interface ensures a smooth operation process, enabling users to set up interviews, analyze results, and export data with ease.


Developed by the RhetorAI Company, this platform is designed to assist businesses in their quest for product-market fit. It has been gaining traction in the market due to its ability to automate the collection of qualitative user data, which is often time-consuming and resource-intensive using traditional methods.

Features of RhetorAI

Automatic Follow-up Questions

RhetorAI dynamically generates follow-up questions based on user responses, leading to more insightful and comprehensive feedback.

High Volume Interviewing

The platform can conduct hundreds of interviews daily, ensuring a wide range of user perspectives are captured and analyzed.

Insights Prioritization

RhetorAI summarizes key findings, enabling businesses to focus on the most critical insights for strategic decision-making.

Customizable AI Role

Users can customize the AI's name and role to create a more personalized experience for respondents.

Data Exportation

The ability to export responses allows for further analysis and integration with other tools and systems.

Team Collaboration

Shared team logins facilitate collaborative analysis and decision-making within organizations.

How to use RhetorAI?

To use RhetorAI, start by creating an account and setting up your first project. Define the objectives of your user interviews and customize the AI's role if desired. Launch the interview link and let RhetorAI begin collecting responses. Monitor the insights generated in real-time and export the data for further analysis as needed.

FAQ about RhetorAI

How do I create an account on RhetorAI?
Visit rhetorai.com and sign up using your email or social media account.
What is the process for setting up a user interview?
After signing up, create a new project, define your interview questions, and customize the AI's role to match your brand.
Can I customize the AI's name and role?
Yes, you can customize the AI's name and role to align with your brand identity and research objectives.
How can I access the insights generated from interviews?
Insights are available in your project dashboard, where you can view summaries and export detailed responses.
What support is available if I encounter issues?
RhetorAI offers customer support through email and live chat for any technical issues or questions about the platform.
Is there a limit to the number of interviews I can conduct?
The number of interviews depends on the plan you choose. The Basic plan allows for 10 responses per project, with options to upgrade for more.

Usage Scenarios of RhetorAI

Academic Research

Use RhetorAI to gather qualitative data for sociological or psychological studies, enhancing the depth of your research findings.

Market Analysis

Conduct market research to understand consumer behavior and preferences, informing product development and marketing strategies.

Product Development

Gather user feedback on product features and usability to guide iterative design and improvement processes.

Customer Satisfaction

Measure customer satisfaction and identify areas for service enhancement in various industries.

User Feedback

Users have reported high satisfaction with RhetorAI's ability to generate in-depth insights and its user-friendly interface.

RhetorAI has been praised for saving time in the user research process, allowing for quicker decision-making.

Feedback highlights the tool's effectiveness in providing actionable insights that directly inform product development strategies.

Customers appreciate the customization options for the AI's role and name, which helps in maintaining brand consistency.


RhetorAI stands out in the market for its commitment to privacy, ensuring that user data is not exploited for AI training. It also offers a free tier for individuals to get started, which is a significant advantage for startups and small businesses.