
LongShot AI is a versatile AI tool that stands out by incorporating real-time information into content creation, ensuring relevance and accuracy. It offers a suite of features designed to enhance content integrity and SEO performance. From Semantic SEO to Fact-Check & Cite, and AI Interlinking, LongShot AI provides a robust framework for content creators to produce high-quality, reader-friendly, and search engine optimized content. The platform also includes a Plagiarism Checker to ensure originality and Customized Templates for efficiency. Furthermore, LongShot AI integrates with Google Search Console, allowing for data-driven content planning and strategy.


Developed by LongShot AI, Inc., this tool has been embraced by over 100,000 content creators from leading brands and agencies, reflecting its effectiveness in the competitive content creation market. With a user-friendly interface and a clear commitment to security and privacy, LongShot AI has positioned itself as a reliable solution for all content-related needs.

Features of LongShot AI

Semantic SEO

Optimizes content for search engines, ensuring reader-friendliness and high rankings.

Fact-Check & Cite

Verifies and corrects facts with a single click, citing credible sources to enhance content integrity.

AI Interlinking

Intelligent and automatic interlinking to boost SEO and improve site navigation.

Humanize AI

Enhances content relevancy and audience connection by humanizing the content.

Plagiarism Checker

Ensures content originality by checking for plagiarism.

Customized Templates

Designed to improve flexibility and efficiency, tailored to specific needs.

Content Planner Integrated with GSC

Plans and strategizes content based on Google Search Console data for optimized impact and relevance.

How to use LongShot AI?

To use LongShot AI, start by logging into the app. Explore the features through the free trial, and utilize the AI to generate, fact-check, and optimize content. Make use of the AI Interlinking and Semantic SEO features to enhance your content's reach and credibility. For detailed guidance, refer to the LongShot AI tutorials and user guides available on their website and support page.

Innovative Features of LongShot AI

LongShot AI's innovation lies in its ability to integrate real-time data and user-specific information, creating a highly personalized content creation experience. Its integration with Google Search Console is a game-changer, allowing for targeted content updates based on GSC data.

FAQ about LongShot AI

What is a 'run' in LongShot AI?
A 'run' is the completion of one full action using any designated feature like Interlinking, Fact Check, SEO Checker, or Repurpose.
Does LongShot AI offer a free trial?
Yes, a 2-week free trial is available for new signups, requiring no credit card.
Does LongShot AI offer a refund?
No, refunds are not offered, but a free trial allows users to test the product before purchasing.
How does LongShot AI ensure content originality?
LongShot AI includes a Plagiarism Checker and strives to generate 100% plagiarism-free content.
Is LongShot AI multilingual?
Yes, it supports all major languages, allowing users to choose their preferred language.
How does LongShot AI handle user data privacy?
LongShot AI employs robust encryption for data in transit and at rest, with a strict policy against using user-provided inputs for other users.

Usage Scenarios of LongShot AI

Academic Research

Use LongShot AI for fact-checking and generating well-researched papers.

Market Analysis

Leverage LongShot AI's capabilities to produce SEO-optimized market analysis reports.

Content Marketing

Apply LongShot AI to create engaging and optimized content for marketing campaigns.

SEO Strategy

Utilize the AI tool to improve website SEO through strategic content planning and optimization.

User Feedback

LongShot AI has received a 4.7/5 rating, highlighting high user satisfaction.

50,000+ marketers trust LongShot AI for their content creation needs.

Users praise LongShot AI for its ability to streamline content creation and enhance SEO.

LongShot AI is favored by startups and small content teams for its efficiency and cost-effectiveness.


LongShot AI is dedicated to providing a seamless content creation experience. It offers a variety of AI models tailored for specific use cases, ensuring the highest quality and efficiency. The platform's commitment to security and privacy, along with its user-friendly interface, makes it a top choice for content creators.