LLM Format


LLM Format offers a platform to create and explore custom templates for ChatGPT prompts, streamlining AI interactions.

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LLM Format is an innovative AI tool designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of interactions with ChatGPT. It provides a comprehensive platform where users can craft their own templates or delve into a plethora of example templates that are readily available. This tool stands out for its ability to constrain the outputs of language models, ensuring that the generated text is not only sound but also complete, adhering to specific rules and formats. The platform supports vllm and any LALR(1) grammar, including JSON, making it a versatile solution for various use cases.


LLM Format is brought to you by LLMFORMAT.COM, a company that focuses on creating user-friendly AI tools to improve productivity. The company's dedication to innovation is evident in the development of this tool, which aims to provide a seamless experience for users looking to leverage the power of AI in their daily tasks.

Features of LLM Format

Custom Template Creation

Users can design their own templates tailored to specific needs or preferences.

Example Templates

A vast library of example templates is available for users to explore and utilize.

Support for vllm and LALR(1) Grammar

The tool is compatible with vllm and supports any LALR(1) grammar, including JSON format.

Constrained Outputs

Outputs are constrained to follow certain rules, ensuring completeness and correctness.

Grammar File Enforcement

Users can enforce new grammar rules with a grammar file written in EBNF.

How to use LLM Format?

To get started with LLM Format, first install the tool using pip. Then, create or select a grammar file in EBNF format. To enforce a new grammar, modify the sampling_param in vllm with the appropriate code snippet provided in the documentation.

FAQ about LLM Format

How do I create a custom template?
You can create a custom template by using the platform's intuitive interface, which guides you through the process of designing a template from scratch.
Where can I find example templates?
Example templates can be found in the platform's library, which is easily accessible and searchable.
Is there a limit to the number of templates I can create?
There is no explicit limit mentioned, allowing for extensive use of the platform's capabilities.
What is the purpose of the grammar file in EBNF format?
The grammar file in EBNF format is used to enforce new types of grammar, ensuring that the AI's output adheres to the specified rules.
How do I integrate LLM Format with my existing workflow?
LLM Format can be integrated by adjusting the sampling_param in vllm, as demonstrated in the provided usage tutorial.
What if I encounter issues with the tool?
Refer to the documentation for known issues and their solutions, or contact the support team for further assistance.

Usage Scenarios of LLM Format

Academic Research

LLM Format can be used to create templates for academic inquiries, structuring the prompts for more accurate AI responses.

Market Analysis

In market analysis, templates can be designed to extract specific data points or trends from AI-generated reports.

Content Creation

For content creators, LLM Format offers a way to generate consistent and rule-abiding content drafts.

Customer Service

In customer service, templates can streamline the process of generating responses to common inquiries.

User Feedback

Users have reported that LLM Format significantly streamlines the process of creating and managing AI-generated content.

The ability to customize templates has been praised for its flexibility, allowing users to tailor outputs to their specific requirements.

LLM Format's compatibility with vllm and LALR(1) grammars has been highlighted as a key feature that enhances its utility.

New users have noted that the platform is intuitive and easy to navigate, reducing the learning curve.


LLM Format is recognized for its potential to improve workflow efficiency across various industries, from tech to creative sectors. Its innovative approach to AI output formatting is a testament to the company's commitment to user-centric design.