Humanic Agentic PLG CRM


A CRM solution that empowers PLG companies to identify, convert, and retain their best users with AI-driven automation and analytics.

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Humanic Agentic PLG CRM is a sophisticated customer relationship management tool tailored for Product-Led Growth (PLG) companies. It integrates with existing Sales-Led CRM systems, offering a seamless experience that enhances user identification, conversion, and retention. The tool stands out with its ability to scale revenue without relying on a Data Warehouse, providing real-time data updates, and segmenting users with ease. Its intuitive interface and operational process are designed to help users quickly grasp its functionalities, from persona building to automating user nudges across various platforms.


Developed by Humanic AI Inc., a company located in Campbell, California, and Gurugram, India, Humanic Agentic PLG CRM has been crafted to address the unique challenges faced by PLG companies. With a focus on innovation and user-centric design, the company continues to evolve its product to meet the dynamic needs of the market.

Features of Humanic Agentic PLG CRM

Purpose-built CRM

A CRM specifically designed to meet the needs of PLG companies, offering tailored features for user identification and retention.

Seamless Integration

Integrates with existing Sales-Led CRM and other tools like Stripe or Segment for comprehensive insights.

Real-time Data

Provides real-time data updates, eliminating the need for a Data Warehouse and ensuring users always have the latest information.

User Segmentation

Enables easy segmentation of users, allowing for targeted marketing and personalized experiences.

Performance Visualization

Visualizes performance metrics, helping users understand their pipeline and make informed decisions.

Marketing Automation

Automates user nudges across marketing automation tools, enhancing user engagement and conversion rates.

How to use Humanic Agentic PLG CRM?

To use Humanic Agentic PLG CRM, start by signing up on their website with your company email and password. Once your account is created, integrate the CRM with your existing tools. Utilize the persona-building process to identify activated users and understand their behavior. Segment users, visualize performance, and set up automated nudges to enhance marketing efforts.

Innovative Features of Humanic Agentic PLG CRM

Humanic Agentic PLG CRM's innovation lies in its ability to provide a purpose-built CRM for PLG companies that integrates AI capabilities for user segmentation and nudge automation, all without the need for a Data Warehouse.

FAQ about Humanic Agentic PLG CRM

What is Humanic Agentic PLG CRM?
It is a CRM software designed for PLG companies to identify, convert, and retain users, integrating with current Sales-Led CRMs.
How do I sign up for Humanic PLG CRM?
Visit the sign-up link on the Humanic website and provide your details to create an account.
How can I integrate Humanic with my existing tools?
After signing up, follow the integration process to connect Humanic with tools like Stripe or Segment.
What are the pricing plans for Humanic PLG CRM?
Humanic offers a free Starter plan and a Growth plan starting at $100 billed yearly. Custom plans are also available.
How can I contact Humanic for support?
Reach out via the support email [email protected] or visit the contact us page on their website.
What features does the free Starter plan include?
The free Starter plan includes up to 2000 profiles, 2000 sends a month, and access to all AI Agents.

Usage Scenarios of Humanic Agentic PLG CRM

Academic Research

Use Humanic to analyze user behavior and identify patterns that can inform educational software development.

Market Analysis

Leverage the CRM for market segmentation and understand consumer behavior to improve product offerings.

Sales Enablement

Equip sales teams with insights from Humanic to engage with potential customers more effectively.

Customer Service

Utilize the CRM to personalize customer interactions and enhance service experiences.

User Feedback

Users have reported that Humanic PLG CRM has significantly improved their ability to segment and understand user behavior, enhancing their marketing strategies.

The seamless integration with existing tools like Stripe and Segment has been praised for its ease of use and the comprehensive insights it provides.

The automation of user nudges has been highlighted as a time-saving feature that has improved user engagement and conversion rates.

Positive feedback has been received regarding the responsiveness and helpfulness of the customer support team.


Humanic Agentic PLG CRM has been recognized for its innovative approach to CRM tailored for PLG companies. It stands out in the market with its AI-driven capabilities and user-friendly design, catering to the specific needs of its target audience.