Hidden Door


Embark on unique adventures in a multiverse crafted by AI, where every choice shapes your story.

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Hidden Door is a groundbreaking social roleplaying platform that harnesses the power of narrative AI to offer users an immersive and interactive storytelling experience. By integrating with various fictional universes, it allows players to create unique characters and craft their stories within a personal multiverse. The platform is designed to be a controlled environment that ensures content safety while providing a coherent and engaging narrative. With its custom-built AI system, Hidden Door generates stories, characters, items, and scenes that are both unique and true to the source material. Players can join friends and the AI Narrator on adventures, building a collection of unique elements and sharing their creativity with others.


Founded in 2020, Hidden Door is the brainchild of a diverse team of game developers, AI experts, artists, and creatives. The company has raised $9 million in funding and is dedicated to creating a new kind of story game experience. The platform's development is underpinned by a strong ethical framework, focusing on content safety and the responsible use of AI. Hidden Door aims to extend its reach by partnering with IP holders to bring more fictional worlds to life within its platform.

Features of Hidden Door

Narrative AI

A custom-built AI system that generates unique stories and characters based on player choices.

Personal Multiverse

A space where users can create and explore their own stories within a multiverse.

Social Roleplaying

An interactive experience that allows players to join friends and the AI Narrator on adventures.

Content Safety

A controlled storytelling environment that ensures the narrative is safe and appropriate for all players.

Unique Collection

The ability to build a collection of unique characters, items, locations, and moments.

Sharing Creativity

Players can share their creations and stories with others, fostering a community of creativity.

How to use Hidden Door?

To begin your adventure with Hidden Door, start by creating your unique character. Then, join the AI Narrator and your friends on a journey through the multiverse. Make choices that shape your story, collect items and characters, and share your creations with the community. As you progress, the AI will generate new scenarios and challenges based on your decisions.

Innovative Features of Hidden Door

Hidden Door's innovation lies in its ability to combine the limitless possibilities of AI-generated content with the structured safety of a controlled narrative environment. This balance allows for a rich, immersive experience that respects the integrity of the source material while offering players agency over their story.

FAQ about Hidden Door

What is Hidden Door?
Hidden Door is a social roleplaying platform powered by narrative AI, allowing users to create characters and stories in a personal multiverse.
How do I create a character in Hidden Door?
To create a character, select the character creation option and customize various attributes and traits to bring your character to life.
Can I play with friends?
Yes, Hidden Door is designed for social roleplaying, allowing you to join friends and the AI Narrator on adventures.
How does the AI generate stories?
The AI uses a combination of pre-generated story tropes and player choices to create a unique narrative arc with a beginning, middle, and end.
Is there a cost to play Hidden Door?
For pricing information, please visit the Hidden Door website or contact their support for details.

Usage Scenarios of Hidden Door

Creative Writing

Use Hidden Door as a tool for creative writing, exploring different narrative paths and character developments.

Educational Tool

Incorporate Hidden Door into educational settings to teach storytelling, character development, and creative thinking.

Gaming Community

Participate in the Hidden Door gaming community, sharing stories, strategies, and experiences with fellow players.

Collaborative Storytelling

Engage in collaborative storytelling with friends, co-creating a shared narrative within the multiverse.

User Feedback

Hidden Door offers an unparalleled experience, allowing me to live out stories I've only imagined.

The platform gives me the freedom to explore my creativity in ways traditional games can't.

I love how Hidden Door brings people together to share their unique stories and creations.

The AI does a fantastic job at keeping the story flowing and engaging, even when I make unexpected choices.

Each session with Hidden Door feels like I'm diving into a deep, rich narrative that responds to my actions.


Hidden Door stands out in the realm of AI-driven entertainment, providing a novel way to engage with stories and characters. Its innovative approach to social roleplaying is reshaping how we think about interactive storytelling. The platform's commitment to ethical AI use and content safety is commendable, setting a new standard for responsible technology deployment.