

Streamline the process of capturing and analyzing customer feedback with an AI-powered tool

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Feedbase is an innovative AI tool designed to simplify the collection and management of customer feedback. With its minimalistic widget, users can easily integrate it into their websites, allowing customers to provide feedback directly. The AI-powered dashboard offers insights and analytics, helping businesses to understand and act on customer sentiments effectively. The tool's user-friendly interface and operation process make it accessible for businesses of all sizes, enhancing customer satisfaction and driving product improvement.


Feedbase is developed by the Feedbase Company, a forward-thinking organization focused on creating user-friendly AI solutions for feedback management. The company's commitment to innovation and customer-centric design has led to the development of Feedbase, which stands out in the market for its ease of use and powerful analytics.

Features of Feedbase

Easy Integration

Add a simple script to your website and start collecting feedback instantly.

Just A Widget

The minimalistic and user-friendly widget ensures a seamless customer experience.

AI-Powered Dashboard

Gain valuable insights and analytics on customer feedback with AI-driven technology.

Pricing Plans

Choose from a Free plan with basic features or a Startup plan for advanced capabilities and priority support.

How to use Feedbase?

To use Feedbase, simply integrate the provided script into your website. Once the widget is live, customers can start giving feedback. Monitor and analyze the feedback through the AI-powered dashboard, and make data-driven decisions to improve your product or service.

Innovative Features of Feedbase

Feedbase's innovative approach lies in its ability to provide an AI-powered analysis of customer feedback, offering businesses a clear and actionable understanding of their customers' needs and sentiments.

FAQ about Feedbase

How do I integrate Feedbase into my website?
Add the provided script to your website's code, and the widget will appear for customers to use.
What does the AI-powered dashboard offer?
The dashboard provides insights and analytics on the feedback collected, helping you understand trends and sentiments.
Can I customize the widget's appearance?
Yes, Feedbase allows customization of the widget to match your website's design.
Is there a limit to the number of feedback widgets I can add?
The Free plan allows one feedback widget, while the Startup plan offers unlimited widgets.
What support is available for users?
The Startup plan includes priority support and early access to new features.
Can I try Feedbase for free?
Yes, Feedbase offers a Free plan that includes basic features to get you started.
How do I upgrade to a paid plan?
You can upgrade directly from your Feedbase account settings by choosing a paid plan that suits your needs.
Is there a trial period for the paid plan?
While the Startup plan does not specify a trial period, you can cancel anytime with no hidden fees.

Usage Scenarios of Feedbase

Customer Feedback Collection

Use Feedbase to collect direct feedback from customers on your website or product.

Market Research

Gather insights for market research and understand customer preferences and behaviors.

Product Improvement

Utilize customer feedback to make informed decisions about product development and improvement.

Customer Service

Enhance customer service by addressing feedback and showing customers that their opinions are valued.

Business Decision Making

Leverage the AI-powered analytics to inform strategic business decisions and planning.

User Feedback

Feedbase has been a game-changer for our customer service team, allowing us to collect and analyze feedback efficiently.

The AI-powered dashboard is intuitive and provides actionable insights that have helped us improve our product offerings.

I love how easy it is to set up and use. The widget is unobtrusive and fits perfectly with our website's design.

The customer support is excellent, and the priority access to new features is a great bonus with the Startup plan.


Feedbase stands out for its commitment to open-source development, community engagement, and continuous innovation. It's more than just a tool; it's a comprehensive solution that grows with your business.