Feedback with ChatGPT by AI Characters


Harness the power of AI to validate your business ideas quickly and efficiently, receiving diverse feedback from multiple AI characters.

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Feedback with ChatGPT by AI Characters is an innovative AI-driven platform that simplifies the process of business idea validation. It offers a user-friendly interface where users can input their business concepts and receive immediate, diverse feedback from over 30 AI characters. This tool is particularly beneficial for entrepreneurs, businesses, and organizations looking to test the viability of new models, products, or services. By leveraging advanced AI technology, it ensures that ideas are thoroughly vetted, saving users time and resources while guiding them towards successful implementation and profitability.


Developed as a response to the need for rapid and accurate business validation, Feedback with ChatGPT by AI Characters has been designed to assist in the early stages of product development. With a strong presence online, including a Twitter account and a dedicated support email, the service is geared towards a global audience, offering support in multiple languages and ensuring data privacy and security.

Features of Feedback with ChatGPT by AI Characters

AI Character Feedback

Users receive feedback from a diverse range of AI characters, simulating various perspectives and providing comprehensive insights.

Instant Validation

The platform allows for the quick testing of business ideas in less than a minute, accelerating the validation process.

Customizable AI Interviews

AI interviews can be tailored to suit specific business needs, offering targeted feedback.

Data-Driven Insights

The tool provides a 100+ page business report, offering strategic insights based on data analysis.

Multilingual Support

It supports a wide range of languages, making it accessible to users worldwide.

Privacy Assurance

The platform guarantees the privacy of user data, with options for data deletion upon request.

How to use Feedback with ChatGPT by AI Characters?

To use Feedback with ChatGPT by AI Characters, simply visit the platform, input your business idea, and let the AI characters provide you with immediate feedback. For a more in-depth analysis, opt for the full business report feature, which will give you a comprehensive roadmap for your launch.

FAQ about Feedback with ChatGPT by AI Characters

How quickly can I get feedback on my business idea?
You can receive feedback in less than a minute.
Is the feedback personalized?
Yes, the AI characters provide personalized feedback based on the details of your business idea.
Can I get a detailed business report?
Yes, a 100+ page business report is available, offering a comprehensive analysis and roadmap.
What languages are supported?
The platform supports multiple languages, including but not limited to English, Spanish, French, Arabic, and many others.
How do I ensure my data privacy?
Your data is not sold, shared, or distributed with third parties, and you can request data deletion at any time.
Is there customer support available?
Yes, customer support is available via email at [email protected] or through the chatbox on the website.

Usage Scenarios of Feedback with ChatGPT by AI Characters

Academic Research

Use the tool to gather diverse perspectives on research topics quickly.

Market Analysis

Conduct rapid market analysis to identify trends and consumer preferences.

Product Development

Test product concepts with AI characters to ensure they resonate with the target audience.

Service Innovation

Validate new service ideas to understand potential customer reception and areas for improvement.


Entrepreneurs can use the platform to refine their business models and strategies before full-scale launch.

User Feedback

The AI characters provide a fresh perspective on business ideas, offering insights that I hadn't considered.

The platform has saved me weeks of research, giving me a clear direction for my startup.

I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of the business report; it's like having a team of analysts at my fingertips.

The multilingual support is a game-changer, making it accessible for my global team.


Feedback with ChatGPT by AI Characters stands out for its ability to distill complex business concepts into actionable strategies through AI-driven analysis. It has been particularly effective in streamlining the ideation process, providing a clear roadmap for new ventures.