Cody - Business AI Employee Trained on Your Knowledge Base


Cody is an AI assistant tailored to your business needs, offering personalized support and efficiency.

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Cody is a groundbreaking AI tool designed to integrate seamlessly with your business's knowledge base. It functions as a virtual employee, capable of answering queries, troubleshooting, and completing tasks with the efficiency of a seasoned team member. The interface is user-friendly, with a straightforward login and signup process, ensuring ease of access for all team members. Cody's operational process is intuitive, allowing users to harness the power of AI without needing extensive technical knowledge.


Developed with a vision to enhance business operations through AI, Cody has been meticulously crafted to meet the dynamic needs of modern enterprises. The product is in its growth phase, continually evolving to incorporate user feedback and the latest AI advancements.

Features of Cody - Business AI Employee Trained on Your Knowledge Base

Customizable AI Training

Cody's AI can be trained on your specific business processes, ensuring it understands and adapts to your unique workflow.

Team Support

It supports team collaboration by answering questions and providing insights that can assist in decision-making.

Task Automation

Cody can automate routine tasks, allowing your team to focus on more complex and strategic work.

Idea Generation

Harness the power of AI for brainstorming, allowing Cody to contribute creative ideas to your projects.

Instant Business Queries Resolution

Get quick answers to business-related questions, enhancing the speed of your operations.


Efficiently resolve issues with the help of Cody's analytical capabilities.

How to use Cody - Business AI Employee Trained on Your Knowledge Base?

To begin using Cody, navigate to the signup link, create an account with your company details, and follow the prompts to train Cody on your business knowledge. Once your account is set up, use the login link to access Cody's interface, where you can start leveraging its AI capabilities.

Innovative Features of Cody - Business AI Employee Trained on Your Knowledge Base

Cody's innovation lies in its ability to be trained on a business's specific knowledge base, making it a truly personalized AI solution that can evolve with the company's growth and changing needs.

FAQ about Cody - Business AI Employee Trained on Your Knowledge Base

How do I train Cody on my business knowledge?
You can train Cody by inputting your business processes, documents, and any specific terminology or context that is unique to your operations.
What kind of tasks can Cody automate?
Cody can automate a variety of tasks including data entry, report generation, and routine customer service inquiries.
How does Cody ensure data security?
Cody uses advanced security protocols to protect your business data, ensuring that all information is handled with the utmost confidentiality.
Can Cody integrate with my existing systems?
Yes, Cody is designed to work with a range of business systems through its API, allowing for seamless integration.
What is the process for getting support with Cody?
You can reach out through the Cody Discord channel or use the contact information provided on the website for personalized support.
Is there a free trial or free credits available?
Cody offers a free personal account with a limited number of credits and document allowances to help you get started.
How do I customize the website widget?
The website widget can be customized through the settings provided in your Cody account, allowing you to tailor the widget to match your brand's look and feel.
What are the system requirements for using Cody?
Cody is a cloud-based AI tool, so it can be accessed from any device with an internet connection and a modern web browser.
Can I remove the Cody branding from the widget?
Yes, the premium plan allows you to remove Cody branding from the widget for a more integrated look on your website.

Usage Scenarios of Cody - Business AI Employee Trained on Your Knowledge Base

Customer Service

Use Cody to handle routine customer inquiries, providing instant responses and improving customer satisfaction.

Data Analysis

Leverage Cody's AI capabilities to analyze large datasets and generate insights that can inform business decisions.

Content Creation

Utilize Cody for generating content ideas or drafts, streamlining the content creation process.

Project Management

Integrate Cody into your project management workflow to automate updates, reminders, and task assignments.

Onboarding New Hires

Use Cody to provide new team members with immediate access to company knowledge and resources, speeding up the onboarding process.

User Feedback

Users have reported a significant improvement in their team's efficiency and productivity since integrating Cody into their workflow.

The ability to train Cody on specific business knowledge has been highly praised for its flexibility and adaptability to various industries.

Feedback from users highlights the ease of integrating Cody with existing systems, making it a seamless addition to their tech stack.

Positive responses regarding Cody's customer service, with users appreciating the quick and helpful support they've received.


Cody has been recognized for its innovative approach to AI integration in business processes, offering a solution that is not only efficient but also cost-effective for small to medium-sized businesses.