

Streamline your meetings with Airgram's AI-powered recording, transcription, and summarization tools.

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Airgram is an innovative AI tool designed to enhance the productivity of meetings by automating the recording, transcribing, and summarizing processes. It integrates seamlessly with popular communication platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Webex, ensuring that users can maximize the value of their meetings by streamlining workflow and saving time on note-taking. With its user-friendly interface and intuitive operation process, Airgram allows for easy navigation and utilization of its comprehensive features, making meeting management more efficient than ever before.


Airgram is a product of an AI-powered company operating in the business productivity and collaboration tools sector. It has been recognized by platforms like G2 and TechCrunch for its SOC 2 certification and is trusted by over 2,000 experienced teams. The tool is designed to meet the needs of the modern workplace, especially in the era of remote and hybrid work, where efficient meeting management is crucial for team productivity.

Features of Airgram

Seamless Integration

Airgram works with Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Webex, ensuring compatibility across various platforms.

Automated Recording

Automatically records meetings in high-definition video and high-quality audio.

Real-time Transcription

Provides real-time transcription services with support for multiple languages.

Meeting Notes

Generates organized meeting notes, capturing every detail for future reference.

Collaborative Agendas

Enables the creation of collaborative agendas, ensuring all team members are aligned on meeting goals.

Action Item Tracking

Assigns and tracks action items with due dates and reminders for improved task management.

Threaded Comments

Facilitates team communication with threaded comments for in-depth discussion within meeting notes.

Exporting Options

Offers multilingual transcription and exporting options for accessibility and effective communication.

How to use Airgram?

To use Airgram, start by signing up on and integrating it with your preferred communication platform. Set up your first meeting, and let Airgram handle the recording and transcription. Use the platform's features to create collaborative agendas, assign action items, and engage with your team through threaded comments. Post-meeting, utilize the summaries and exported notes for effective follow-up.

Innovative Features of Airgram

Airgram's innovation lies in its ability to automate and streamline the entire meeting process, from preparation to follow-up, with AI-powered features that enhance collaboration and productivity.

FAQ about Airgram

How do I get started with Airgram?
Sign up on and follow the integration steps with your communication platform.
Is there a limit to the number of meetings I can record?
The number of meetings you can record depends on your subscription plan.
Can I transcribe meetings in different languages?
Yes, Airgram supports transcription in multiple languages.
How can I share meeting notes and action items with my team?
Use the platform's sharing features to distribute meeting notes and action items.
Is there customer support for assistance?
Yes, Airgram offers dedicated customer support to help with any issues.

Usage Scenarios of Airgram

Academic Research

Use Airgram to record and transcribe interviews or focus groups for in-depth analysis.

Market Analysis

Streamline the process of recording and summarizing market research meetings for better insights.

Corporate Meetings

Maximize the efficiency of corporate meetings with automated recording and action item tracking.

Remote Team Collaboration

Facilitate collaboration among remote teams with real-time transcription and threaded comments.

User Feedback

Airgram assistants are more plentiful than actual video conference participants recently, indicating the product's growing popularity.

Loves Airgram for its ability to record and transcribe the entire meeting, allowing for keyword search in transcripts without the need for repeated playback.

Appreciates the platform's automation for assigning action items with due dates and reminders, which has improved task management and accountability within teams.

Enjoys the threaded comments feature, which ensures everyone stays on the same page and facilitates a more cohesive team effort.


Airgram is recognized for its comprehensive set of tools that streamline meeting workflows and foster better collaboration among team members. It has been noted for its high-quality audio and video recording capabilities, which maintain clarity and professionalism in meeting recordings. The platform's security measures, including SOC 2 certification, add to its credibility, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of shared meeting recordings and transcriptions.