AI Formula Wizard


AI Formula Wizard revolutionizes formula creation for Excel, Google Sheets, Notion, and Airtable using AI.

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AI Formula Wizard is a cutting-edge tool that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to streamline the process of formula creation for platforms like Excel and Google Sheets. It is designed to automate and simplify the task of writing complex formulas, allowing users to save time and focus on more critical aspects of their work. With its user-friendly interface, users can describe their goals, and the AI generates the corresponding formulas instantly. This tool is not only limited to Excel but also extends its capabilities to Notion and Airtable, making it a versatile solution for various data-related tasks.


Developed by Query Labs, AI Formula Wizard is part of a growing suite of AI tools aimed at enhancing productivity and efficiency in data management and analysis. The company's commitment to innovation is evident in the AI Formula Wizard's ability to quickly generate formulas, which would otherwise require significant time and expertise to craft manually.

Features of AI Formula Wizard

Excel Formula Generation

Utilizes AI to create complex Excel formulas with ease.

Notion Formulas

Enables the generation of formulas for Notion, streamlining workflows within the platform.

Airtable Formulas

Aids in the creation of formulas for Airtable, automating tasks and improving efficiency.

Insight Generation

Crafts formulas that extract valuable insights from data.


Delegates formula creation to AI, saving users significant time.

User-friendly Interface

Features an interface that allows users to describe their goals for AI to generate solutions.

Custom Template Support

Supports the customization of templates for specific needs.

Advanced Calculations

Performs complex calculations that would be tedious to do manually.

Spreadsheet Automation

Automates repetitive spreadsheet tasks, reducing the potential for human error.

How to use AI Formula Wizard?

To use AI Formula Wizard, simply visit the login page at, create an account or sign in, and start describing your formula needs. The AI will generate the formulas for you to implement directly into your spreadsheets, Notion, or Airtable documents.

Innovative Features of AI Formula Wizard

AI Formula Wizard's innovative approach lies in its ability to understand natural language descriptions of tasks and translate them into accurate and efficient formulas across multiple platforms.

FAQ about AI Formula Wizard

Can I use AI Formula Wizard offline?
Currently, AI Formula Wizard is an online tool and does not have an offline version.
Is there a free trial or freemium model?
AI Formula Wizard offers a freemium model, allowing users to experience the tool's capabilities before committing to a subscription.
How does the pricing work?
Pricing details can be found at, offering various plans to suit different user needs.
What support is available for AI Formula Wizard?
For support, users can reach out via the contact page at or send an email to the provided customer service contact.
Can I integrate AI Formula Wizard with other tools?
AI Formula Wizard is designed to work with Excel, Google Sheets, Notion, and Airtable, and its integration capabilities may expand in the future.

Usage Scenarios of AI Formula Wizard

Academic Research

Simplifying data analysis and formula creation for academic studies.

Financial Analysis

Streamlining financial modeling and calculations for better decision-making.

Project Management

Automating task tracking and performance metrics in project management tools like Notion and Airtable.

Data Reporting

Generating dynamic reports with complex calculations for business intelligence.

User Feedback

Users have reported a significant reduction in the time spent on formula creation, allowing them to focus more on data analysis and decision-making.

AI Formula Wizard has been praised for its intuitive interface, making it accessible even to those with limited Excel knowledge.

Professionals in various fields have commended the tool for its ability to handle complex calculations and automate repetitive tasks.

The tool's compatibility with multiple platforms has been highlighted as a key advantage by users who work across different software ecosystems.

Positive feedback has been received regarding the responsiveness and effectiveness of the customer service team.


AI Formula Wizard stands out in the market for its commitment to continuous improvement, with regular updates based on user feedback to refine its AI algorithms and expand its functionality.